Whatever business you’re in,
whatever size your market,
there are ways to significantly
increase your online and/or online-influenced sales.
TopLineRevenues™ offers a three-part process to evaluate, report and act on acquiring, converting and retaining customers via your website and social media presence. Our task is focused on one thing: improving your top line revenues.
It’s probably where we get our name.
We have experience in marketing and consulting ventures from SME to Enterprise throughout North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim. And have advised startups to global brands on enhancing online visibility as well as establishing the Company’s online channels to market.
From single-market shops to franchises, network marketing to global e-commerce giants, we provide scalable solutions to enhance your online sales and optimize your customer’s experience.

No matter how you use your site…from little more than an e-business card to full-on e-commerce…it all comes back to Top Line Revenues.
How TopLineRevenues™ Works
We start with an evaluation of your website and social media through the eyes of a first-time user. In addition to our own findings, we provide reactions from actual prospective customers/users visiting your site. We then work to align that experience with how you are communicating with your target audience(s) in terms of Tone of Voice, Graphics and Total Online Experience (site navigation, understanding the proposition, checkout process).
We gauge online sales expectations versus track record.
And finally, we analyze the back-end data to determine traffic flow…and more importantly, traffic jams.
Is Your Online Channel Working For You?

More Than a Critique
We aren’t here to knock what you’re doing. Quite the opposite. We are here to help enhance your successes.
We build on what you have. Because what you are doing isn’t necessarily wrong. But that doesn’t mean it’s right.
Like with a car engine, the standard model is fine. It runs and gets you from A to B.
But to win a race, it needs to be super-charged. And like in a race, we never fine-tune in isolation but are constantly checking what’s out there. Still, being competitive is not the same as winning.
So we sharpen your competitive edge and hone your point of difference. All while ensuring you are utilizing the latest optimization tools and making your social media and e-marketing drive traffic to your site.
We work with your existing web developers / IT team or, if needed, can implement what’s required directly for you.
Americans who shop online
Shoppers who actuallly prefer to buy online
Online shoppers who have bought or spent more than planned
The TopLineRevenues™ Difference
Highlighting issues that are bottlenecking your site navigation or curtailing sales at the checkout is only part of what we do.
We provide insight and actionable Ways Forward that enable you to implement immediate improvements to your site’s success rate.
This insight picks up where site graders and analytics software leaves off: providing clear direction on increasing your top line revenues.
So regardless of how long your site has been up or how much sales percentage is generated or influenced online, we can quickly and affordably enhance your site’s efficacy in revenue-generation and identify what’s working and what needs some work.

Next Steps
First, find 30 minutes for a call. We will then follow up our conversation with a proposal, detailing tasks and fees. But here’s the best part…
Guaranteed TopLineRevenues™
Once we understand your needs, objectives and current results, we guarantee that implementing our methodologies will increase your revenues.
If we do not hit the results we promise, we will keep working with you until we do. Guaranteed.
Your online presence must be more than functional and competitive. It has to be dynamic. We have the tools and insight to ensure that happens. And deliver never-seen-before Top Line Revenues.